I don't have too many nice words to say about the show, I haven't liked it since it started and whenever I attempt to listen it appears that it hasn't changed. Supposedly Dean, Todd, and Jason allowed "Steve-o" and the rest of the Jackass (MTV) group run amuck on Fridays show and disregarded Alan Cross's(Program directory) pleads to cut the 'interview' short. I personally hoped that this incident would have marked the end for Dean, but it has not.

Following a disciplinary meeting with management, the Dean Blundell Show was reinstated after a one-day suspension, said program director Alan Cross of 102.1 the Edge. There were no problems Tuesday, he added, and "we move on."
Alan also mentioned in an interview that the response was almost 50/50 split to the action taken to suspend Dean and the gang.

The 3+ minute segment was posted on the Edge's website but has since been removed.

Fools back on the air