So it seems that the US government thought it was good idea to trust an informant that they never met who was talking to the US via the German government (If I recall the German's didn't think the war was a good idea)

The informant went by the handle 'Curveball' , yes that's what I said 'Curveball'

David Kay, the postwar weapons inspector whose declaration in January that Iraq had no WMD initiated a series of hammer-blows to the credibility of the Bush administration and the British government, described Mr Powell's use of Curveball's information before the UN as "disingenuous".

He told the LA Times: "If Powell had said to the Security Council: 'It's one source, we never actually talked to him, and we don't know his name', I think people would have laughed us out of court."

I have to agree with David Kay, I can't believe that Powell had the guts to try to pull the wool over the worlds eyes. Did he not think that this story would break?

Full story at

US government was thrown a 'Curveball'