Which Hoka is which?!

Below is a table listing all the short stories in the Hoka Series by Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson and which book each story was published in. The reason I went through all this effort is because I wanted to read the series, but didn't know which books to go out at get and putting together this table made everything clear.

Hoka! Hoka! Hoka! Earthman's Burden Hoka! Hokas Pokas!
The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound
Don Jones
In Hoka Signo Vinces
Joy in Mudville
The Sheriff of Canyon Gulch
The Tiddlywink Warriors
Undiplomatic Immunity
Yo Ho Hoka!
Full Pack (Hokas Wild)
The Napoleon Crime
Star Prince Charlie

As you can see if the above information is correct, you only need to buy 2 books. 'Hoka! Hoka! Hoka!' and 'Hokas Pokas!' in order to be able to read all the stories. I swear the two other books were put out just to confuse us -- Damn those wacky publishers!

For those of you that don't know what Hokas are all about, here is a note from the publisher regarding 'Hoka! Hoka! Hoka!'

The Interbeing League had been formed to make contact with new intelligent races in the galaxy and offer them membership. But when the League encountered the Hokas, furry creatures strongly resembling the teddy-bears of Earth, the League's agent, Alexander Jones, could have been excused for wishing he had a simpler assignment than making sense out of the Hokas — such as singlehandedly stopping an interstellar war.

Not that the fuzzy aliens were unfriendly. In fact, they loved everything about humans, and adopted various Terran cultures wholesale and in every little detail—but with a bit of confusion about the differences between fact and fiction. So if the Hokas suddenly started acting out the parts in a rip-roaring, shoot-em-up western, or brought to life the London of Sherlock Holmes, complete with a pipe-puffing, deerstalker-wearing Hoka, or suddenly decided to fly the Jolly Roger and lead a life of adventure and piracy on the high seas, matey, that was only to be exptected. And as the Hokas threw themselves wholeheartedly into progressively wilder worlds from Terran history and fiction, Jones could be excused for feeling that his grip on reality was hanging by a single, think increasingly frayed thread...

Should be good for a laugh, eh?

Update (Apr 12/04): "The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound", Poul Anderson & Gordon R. Dickson (Universe Dec 1953) is up for a 2004 Retro Hugo Award