Here are the below people you can vote for in todays election in Oakville (I am only including Ward 4 as that is my ward, for other canidates please check the Oakville 2003 Municipal Election page)

I have placed links to each name that I could find a website for. I have to admit I am a little sad at the number of websites for these candidates, how do they expect me to vote for them if I have no clue what they are planning to do? (If you know of a website for any of the below people, please let me know and I will add the link to the list.

Please vote today!


Rob Burton

Richard Serra

Ann Mulvale

Ward 4

Regional & Town Council

Gino Serra

Allen Elgar

Mark A. Brown

Town Council

Amy Maurer

Sean M. Kerner

Annette Kirk

Jeff Gareau

Renee Sandelowsky

Regional Chair

Joyce Savoline

Anne Marsden

Brian Burton

Robert Heaton

Halton District School Board - Ward 4

Del Archer

Marlene Newell

Dan Rajagopalan

Susan Sheppard

    Director - Butterfly Foundation

Ballet Question


"Do you support a ban on the use of pesticides (including products which control weeds, grubs, insects, crabgrass and fungus) on private property (excluding golf courses and farms) with a mechanism for limited exceptions for actual infestations of insects and diseases to be determined by the municipality?" 

YES               or                       NO

Oakville Election