
So who is Eric that is a contestant in "For Love or Money 2" ? well let me tell you.

While being forced to watch this show, someone looked strangely familiar... Eric was on another TV show where he seeked the love of another girl. The other show was "Meet my folks" which was a lame show based on the movie "Meet the parents" where a girl/guy takes a few potential dates to meet her parents and the parents slim down the group of potential mates down to one -- they even do the lie detector test.

During the lie detector test, Eric admited to being a cry baby, and overly sensitive. Eric, in the end won the parents hearts (not the girl's) and got to go on vacation with the girl. I take it that relationship didn't last, so Eric pulled some strings to get on YARTS (Yet Another Reality Telivision Show). I should note that both shows are done by NBC.

I really don't like reality tv shows, so I am happy to discredit this show, even a little ^^;

Picture from the "Meet my folks" website. Eric is in the back row.

Eric does reality TV [again]