More than meets the eye - Java Constructors

So in class over the past few days we have been doing constructors, which are kinda neat once you learn how do work with them. I have attached my 5th assignment to this entry to it may help someone out one day (including myself as a good reference)

I have to say my old "Learn Java now" book from Stephen R. Davis (Microsoft Press) that I got with my copy of J++ I bought years ago (1.0) has turned out to be quite helpful, more helpful than my "Learn Java in 21 days" book and the in class book "Big Java"

class Bank


public static void main(String[] args)


SavingsAccount mySavings = new SavingsAccount(100.0,"John Smith");

System.out.println ("The current account Balance is? "+ mySavings.Balance());



class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount


SavingsAccount(double initBalance, String initName)


super("savings", initName, initBalance);



public class BankAccount


protected String accountType;

protected String accountName;

protected double Balance;

BankAccount ()



BankAccount (String typeDef, String nameDef)





BankAccount (String typeDef, String nameDef, double initBalance)


this(typeDef, nameDef);



public void Deposit(double Amount)


if (Amount &gt 0.0)

Balance += Amount;


public void Withdrawl(double Amount)


if (Amount >= 0.0)


if (Amount &lt= Balance)

Balance -= Amount;



public double Balance()


int nCents = (int)(Balance * 100 + 0.5);

return nCents / 100.0;

