This is our last day here. We had an excellent vacation and we are sad to go home tomorrow. I'm looking forward to my own bed and my own food but I will definitely miss the sunshine! I have nothing really that I would complain about this place. We just ate at the Mediterranian restaurant, which was (like all the others) very good. I had Cordon Bleu...ummm. The only think I would change would be the bars. For some reason every time you order a drink, it is slightly different from the last time your ordered it. Oh well. Enough about that...

Yesterday I played my first ever game of tennis. Well it wasn't really a game but I did learn some of the rules. It was a lot of fun and I'm thinking I should get a tennis racket so I can play on the courts at home. Speaking of tennis...the Dominican Republic has gigantic bugs!!! I big bug ran right into me while playing last night...I thought I got attacked by a bat. We were planning to take a walk along the beach last night but decided to pass since we really weren't sure what was out there lurking in the dark. This thing was HUGE!!

Today we got a chance to try out some scuba diving in the pool. It took a little while to get used to breathing through the regulator but it got to be fairly easy after a while. I would definitely consider getting certified in the future so that next time we go somewhere tropical we can try out a dive.

Tonight the plan is to head over to the casino. When we checked in we got $10 USD in certificates so we are thinking of trying our luck with the nickle slots. As Ray said at dinner "we couldn't have had a better trip unless it was free!"...who knows...wish me luck!

Tomorrow we have a long trip ahead of us. We have to check out around 8am and we should be home by 5. We have to stop in Santo Domingo to pick up some people. I have a feeling that it will be a really short flight across the island! I think that it only takes a couple of hours to drive there since they have day trips there almost every day. I''m wondering if we will even make it off of the ground or whether we will just taxi over.

Oh one more thing before I run out of time!! I had a chance to barter for souvenirs. I think I did fairly well since I paid half price for everything. I bought 2 wood bowls, a wood box and an indian art sculpture. The guy also through in an ankle bracelet, which I just love! It is a pretty blue that matches my bathing suit perfectly.

Ok running out of time....back to Canada I go....

Bugs the Size of Birds