So the other day I got a call from Bell Sympatico. They wanted to sell me a new service that they offer. The guy explained to me that for $9.95 a month I would be able to listen to an unlimited amount of CD quality music from over 10 000 different artists. I didn't think that that sounded too bad until I got thinking. I asked the guy if I could download any of the music. He proceeded to lecture me about how downloading music was illegal. I wasn't completely understanding. Services like iTunes in the US and Puretracks in Canada allow you to pay per downloaded song. I think it is 99 cents each. By my calculations I think that for $9.95 a month I should be able to download approximately 10 songs. Therefore my first question is, is downloading music really illegal if I am paying $9.95 for it? My second question is, why would I want to pay $9.95 for streaming audio to my computer? Afterall, my office isn't exactly a great place to listen to music and at least my old am/fm radio is portable.....

Is it really illegal if you pay for it??