I think this is an important article for people to read if they write in a blog of any sorts, or even if you are just thinking of writing in one. Below is a snippet of the articles introduction:

Behind every wishlist lurks a manifesto.

Be it as humble as the grocery list, as innocent (and voluminous) as a kid's missives to the north pole, as big as a National Five Year plan, our wish lists tell us what we really want, and perhaps a bit of who we really are -- or at least who we want to be. The harried person in the supermarket chooses chicken soup because they want comfort; a kid wants a bike because they want freedom; the politicians want increases in production of everything from ball bearings to grain because they want prosperity, abundance (and not incidentally, re-election). A wishlist communicates a vision of how we want life to be, and what we think just might be possible.

What's on the blogosphere's wishlist? And what does it tell us about what's important, and what bloggers think it is possible to do with their work?

In a recent thread on the Bloggercon weblog, Dave Winer posed a question: Dave Winer posed a question: "Question: What's next in writing tools for weblogs?". Well over a hundred responses came in. After printing out and reading through the 40+ pages of responses, a few major themes began to emerge. Bloggers wanted to create more easily, connect with others fluidly, create and manage communities around their weblog and throughout the blogosphere, and conserve their content.

The Blogosphere Wishlist Manifesto