The trip continues to be a great time. Yesterday we visited the island of Dominica. This was a very beautiful island. The main attraction is the rainforest so we boarded a minivan taxi in the morning and headed out for a trip into the rainforest to see Trafalgar Falls. The rainforest was amazing, we have never seen anything so lush and beatiful. Trafalgar Falls is actually 2 sets of falls and are quite high. Following the trip to the falls we made a quick pass through the botanical gardens and then up to a look-out point in order to view the main city, Roseau, from above.

Last night we met up for dinner with a couple from Panama. Jaime and Mai are on their honeymoon and are really great. We had a nice dinner together and then we spent the evening a one of the night clubs on board. We get along so well, I am glad that we got a chance to get to know some people.

Last night the swells on the seas were pretty high so we definitely felt the boat swaying. It was pretty funny seeing the people trying to walk down the hall.

Yesterday we also went to an art auction. I spontaneously bought a piece of art for a VERY good deal. It is worth quite a bit, and I have the appraisal to prove it! They will be shipping it back to Canada for me so I can't wait to see it. It is rather difficult to explain what the painting is of, and since I don't have a lot of time, I will have to leave that to another entry.

This morning we met up with Jaime and Mai again in order to do a small tour of barbados and then head to the beach. We caught a ride with a driver named Winslow. He was a really nice guy. We got to go on a tour of the Harrison's caves. These were very large caverns that we took a tram through. They were enormous caves, the stalagtites and stalagmites were very impressive.

Once the tour was finished we were driven up to a look-out point were we could see the whole island. We met Joe a local grey monkey. He was pretty cute. Then we headed out to the beach. We visited Bomba's Beach, named after the Restaurant and Bar there. We grabbed an incredibly good roti lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon in the turquoise blue waters.

We are heading off now back to the ship. Tonight I think we are going to watch a comedy show, it should be good.

Dominica and Barbados