I'm very happy, it turns out that people actually read my blog. When I started blogging, I sort of felt like I was talking to myself. Since I have found that people regularly check to see if I have posted anything, I am thinking of moving my blog over to sdf1 (just to confuse people) :) Actually I would like to switch to Movable Type, which has the RSS functionality. Also, I am planning to change my template anyway. When I started this blog I had a lot of fun playing around with HTML and creating the template that I am using now, however I find that it is starting to look sort of like a big essay or something. I want a template that will allow me to have titles to my entries, which will break things up a bit. Also, I would like to have links to websites that I like. I was planning on making the switch on the weekend but I was either too busy or too tired. I will definitely try to do it this week sometime....so keep checking for my all-new look. I can't promise that it will be any more than a blank white page at first but we'll see!

Making the Switch to MT